How Do You Know if You Cat Can Have Babys When You Are Adopting Them in Sims 4

You asked and we delivered! By pop request, nosotros're going to walk you through the process of convenance and selling kittens and puppies in The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs! Be the cat or dog breeder yous've always dreamed of being, at least in the world of The Sims.


I made a Sim named Emilie Lake and gave her two cats and two dogs. As you might exist able to guess, they are one of each gender because we are going to be breeding these lovable furballs to turn a profit. Emilie is a snob but also both a dog and true cat lover. That seems suitable for someone who breeds cats and dogs for a living.

With a little bit of "freerealestate" magic, I moved them into their new home. Emilie immediately encouraged her cats and dogs to breed. Information technology's of import to note here that your Sim must exist friends with both pets in order to successfully encourage them to mate with each other. If your Sim is not friends with one or both animals, the mating will probable be unsuccessful. This wasn't a problem for Emilie since she started out friends with all of her pets.


Her female cat, Libby, got meaning right abroad merely her Yorkie, Domo, took a few tries to conceive. Only like with Sims, a pregnancy isn't always guaranteed when trying to abound your family unit. When a mating is successful, your pets will affectionately rub noses as hearts surround them. Your Sim volition get a Happy moodlet from a successful mating. If it is unsuccessful, the pets volition act aggressively with each other and your Sim will become sad from a failed mating.

After a successful mating, you'll know within a few in-game hours if your cat or dog has conceived a litter of kittens or puppies. If a few hours have passed with no conception notification, try encouraging your pet to mate again. Information technology may have some fourth dimension, but perseverance does eventually pay off.

You won't notice any changes in your cat or domestic dog while she'southward significant. I didn't run across a pregnant change in weight in Libby or Domo while they were pregnant. The adept news is pet pregnancies are much shorter than Sim pregnancies. But one day after getting significant, Libby and Domo went into labour. The labour notification for cats and dogs is the aforementioned i that pregnant Sims get.


After receiving the Gone Into Labour! notification for your cat or dog, proceed an eye on her for a fourth dimension. Information technology will be a couple in-game hours before she gives birth. When the nascency happens, your cat or dog will lie down and you'll receive a notification that a kitten or puppy has been born. You lot'll be able to proper noun the new kitten or puppy. Libby had ii kittens, one boy and one daughter. Domo had iii puppies, all girls. Using the Breeding Ground lot trait will assist your pets give birth to larger litters. Cats and dogs can have one to three babies per litter.

Fun Fact: Amusingly, a pet giving birth to three babies awards your household with the Triple Play accomplishment. If your household number reaches eight from a new true cat or dog entering the household, you'll too become the Total Firm achievement.

Kittens and puppies take a trend to inherit the traits of their parents, and then it's a good idea to pay attention to the traits of your cats and dogs if yous program on breeding them. Although this hasn't been confirmed, traits may touch on the toll of whatever kittens or puppies yous sell. I of Emilie'due south kittens had some undesirable traits it inherited from its father and it sold for a trivial bit less than the other kitten and puppies.

Selling your Kittens and Puppies

Once the kittens or puppies have been born, you can sell them via the phone. In the phone tab, select Rent A Service. Sell Pet should be 1 of the options. Only kittens and puppies can be sold. If you desire to get rid of an adult or elderberry cat or dog, y'all'll have to put them up for adoption, instead. When you cull Sell Pet, you'll be able to pick the kitten or puppy you want to sell. You tin just sell one kitten or puppy at a fourth dimension.

After confirming the sale, you'll receive a sum of simoleons and a pet adoption agent will come up to the house with a pet carrier to pick up the kitten or puppy. The cost varies, but I received somewhere between §350-§400 for each pet. Other players written report receiving over §500 per pet, and so breeding cats and dogs for turn a profit is definitely a viable option in The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs.

Pro Tip: If your Sim has the Cat Lover or Dog Lover trait and they sell a kitten or a puppy, they'll be slammed with a hefty +4 Distressing moodlet, called A Fuzzy Bye. This moodlet lasts a full 24 hours, and then it's not ideal to give these traits to your Sim if they plan on beingness a true cat or dog breeder for a living.

Become a Professional Breeder? Yup!

And that's it! As you lot tin can see, convenance and selling cats and dogs in The Sims 4 is a pretty easy, straightforward process. It'southward too extremely lucrative! If you're wondering whether your Sim could make a comfortable living equally a cat or dog breeder, the respond is a definite yes!

Please be advised that while breeding cats and dogs for profit can be fun in The Sims, Sims Community strongly condemns the exploitation of animals in the real world. The pets in The Sims are allowed to the harmful effects of irresponsible breeding, just our furry friends in the real world are non. #AdoptDontShop

Near the author

A cranky old lady who prefers the visitor of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.


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