I Tried to Open a Web Site a Error That Says Reload and Try Again Pops Up

Troubleshooting Checklist

We take a plethora of FAQs and articles that volition walk you through detailed troubleshooting steps if you lot need help connecting to or using Gather. The post-obit is a checklist of steps to take:


  • Refresh your browser.
  • Switch to Chrome if y'all are not using it already.
  • Shut any other applications or browser tabs.
  • Disable any unnecessary browser extensions (or use Incognito/Private mode in your browser).
  • Disable VPN/firewall or enquire your Information technology to whitelist Gather.

Performance Issues

  • Turn on Practise Non Disturb Fashion (Ctrl/⌘+U) to limit your a/v connections.
  • Test User Settings(Ctrl/⌘+P):
    • Reduce Limit Frame Rate to fewer fps. (Graphics)
    • Turn on SmartZoom or use a large zoom for Manual Sheet Zoom. (Appearance)
    • Plough on Reduce Motion. (Advent)
    • Plow on Auto Idle Mute. (Audio / Video)
    • Turn off Hard disk drive Video Quality. (Audio / Video)
    • Turn off Hardware Dispatch (Graphics)

Audio/Video Bug

  • Check browser settings and permissions to allow microphone and camera.
  • Shut whatever other applications that apply your mic or photographic camera.
  • Check system settings and permissions (Macs) to allow screen recording, microphone, and camera.
  • Disconnect from external monitors.
  • Plough on Original Sound (Settings > User > Sound & Video) to turn off Get together's audio processing, which includes echo reduction, automatic gain control, and noise filtering.
  • Review A/V Troubleshooting FAQs

Black or White Screen Issues

  • Respawn into the Infinite.
  • Hard refresh your browser (concord Shift primal and press refresh button on browser).
  • Check the Mapmaker to make sure the background has not been deleted or resized. (If the background is white in Mapmaker, your original background has likely been deleted.)
  • Check if you are banned.
  • Clear your browser cache.
  • If you are embedding objects:
    • White screen = the website does not allow embedding
    • Black screen = the URL needs to be https
  • Encounter All I run into is a black screen—what do I practise? for screenshots of black screen issues.

All the same having issues?

  • Bank check out our Assemble Status site to meet if Gather is having whatever issues site-wide.
  • Report a bug by clicking on the Gather menu and selecting Report an Consequence. (Read more on reporting issues.)
  • If all else fails, there'southward always the ol' turn-it-off-and-back-on-once more (restart your estimator).

Why can't I share my screen?

Alert: If y'all accept previously granted permissions for Assemble only can no longer use your camera, mic, or screen share, you may need to reset your permissions in your browser. Mac users may demand to reset their organisation preferences as well, which means removing then adding back permission for your browser.

If yous are having trouble sharing your screen on Gather, start past checking your browser's permissions. For case, in Chrome, select the padlock in the URL bar to view the browser'due south current permissions. Yous will need to grant Chrome access to your camera to enable screen sharing.

A screenshot of the fancy office template in Gather in Chrome. In the URL bar, the padlock icon is outlined in red. Chrome's browser permissions window is open, with a red outline around Camera and Microphone, which are both set to Allow. To check your browser'south permissions in Chrome, click on the padlock icon in the URL. Ensure Camera is set to Allow.

Tip:For a consummate caption of how to share in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, see the Screen Sharing article.

Mac Arrangement Permissions

If y'all are using a Mac, yous may need to cheque your System Preferences as well to share your screen. Open your System Preferences. Select Security & Privacy.

A screenshot of a Mac desktop with the System Preferences window open. Security & Privacy is outlined in red. On your Mac, open up System Preferences and select Security & Privacy.

Select Privacyin the height panel, and so coil down in the left menu and click Screen Recording. Yous may need to click the padlock in the bottom left of the window to make changes. If your browser does not appear in the list, click the plus sign and select your browser from your Applications.

A screenshot of a Mac desktop with Security & Privacy open. Screen Recording is outlined in red, and in the list of allowed apps, Google Chrome is outlined in red and selected. A red arrow points to the plus sign beneath the list of apps, with text that reads "Or click to add browser." In Security & Privacy, select Screen Recording. Select the browser to provide permissions, or select the plus (+) sign to add your browser.

Y'all volition need to quit your browser and reopen information technology for the changes to save.

Tip:For a consummate caption of how to manage your Mac permissions, see the System Permissions commodity.

Warning:We do not currently support other browsers, so we take not included information for screen sharing outside of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

Why doesn't my Bluetooth piece of work?

Is Gather switching your audio inputs every time you switch tabs? Or are you able to hear others but they tin can't hear you? Huge changes in audio quality when yous mute and unmute? If you're using a bluetooth headset, this article may provide some clarity.

Bluetooth Profiles

Every Bluetooth accessory comes with a built-in profile, which is a package of software that tells the device how to "treat" the accessory. Some devices volition automatically sense a Bluetooth accessory, and then use an incorrect profile to them from their ain library.

If you find that you can only hear others but they tin can't hear you, the cause may be your Bluetooth profile. Bluetooth A2DP, a type of Bluetooth profile, does not allow for stereo audio plus microphone at the same time.

Many Bluetooth headsets, widely produced before 2018, use Bluetooth A2DP. Some mobile devices will accommodate the limitation of A2DP by switching between sending microphone inputs and receiving stereo audio input speedily and automatically. Some devices (computers, tablets, etc.) practise non support the automatic switching of inputs and outputs required by A2DP for a smoothen experience.

One solution would be to use a separate microphone if y'all wish to use Bluetooth headphones.

Examination Inputs

When you select your input (mic) in Gather, your reckoner volition generate a listing of what it views every bit bachelor. In the gif beneath of the Cheque Your Hair screen, the drop-down menus testify several options for the same headset. Each option is a different profile that tin can apply to the device.

Warning: Firefox for Windows and Mac does not allow yous to set a split up speaker output.

(1) Earlier you enter a Infinite, you tin endeavour different input and output combinations.

Finding the right combination that works for you may accept some trial and error.

Annotation:To alter your a/v selections from inside the Infinite, just open User Settings (Ctrl/⌘+P).

Why do I hear an repeat when talking to someone?

An echo can happen if the computer does not have congenital in noise reduction. The computer'south speakers are sending out sounds, and the microphone is picking information technology support and sending it back through the computer.

Try using headphones or using third political party software that would cancel out this noise automatically like Krisp.ai.

Mobile Troubleshooting

If you are having trouble hearing or seeing other users on mobile, effort a few of the following steps to reconnect to Get together:

Audio/Video and Performance Bug

  • Turn your mic and/or video off and on again.
  • Enable Prioritized Audio, which turns off the video feeds of the people you are connected to. To do this, tap the white icon of the photographic camera with the line through information technology that displays beneath a person's video feed. To re-enable video, tap the green camera icon.

In the video carousel at the top of your mobile screen, tap the icon of the camera with a line through it to disable or enable video feeds.

  • Turn on Quiet Mode to limit your a/v connections. (Select the three dots in the bottom bar of your mobile screen, then select Quiet Mode. Notwithstanding, this characteristic is non bachelor for remote work Spaces).

Warning: Currently on iOS Safari, yous need to mute and unmute your audio and video manually when y'all enter a new conversation. Otherwise, you tin can see yourself, merely others cannot hear or meet you.

Blackness Video Feeds from Others

  • Tap the video feed to expand to total screen to refresh the video feed.

Withal having issues?

  • Bank check out our Assemble Condition site to encounter if Get together is having whatsoever issues site-wide.
  • Written report a bug past selecting the 3 dots in the lesser bar of your mobile screen and and so selecting Report an Event. (Read more on reporting issues.)

Three screenshots of Gather on mobile. In the far left image, the bottom menu is expanded and Report an issue is outlined in red. In the second image, the Report an issue modal is open, which lets you select a Reason for the bug report, enter your email address, and enter a message. The third image is the success message that displays when you submit a bug report on mobile. To change your settings, tap the three dots in the bottom bar of your mobile screen. Select Report an issue to submit a bug report.

Firefox Issues

In Baronial 2021, Firefox was updated to employ a new video rendering applied science called WebRender.

WebRender may better audio and video performance in Gather, but it may likewise cause instability and other issues like flickering, artifacting (graphic distortion), or even (in rare cases) a total system crash.

If you are experiencing these kinds of bug in Gather, delight apply this support article from Mozilla to troubleshoot.

How do I get livestreams to work?

For livestreams, you need to exit the Synchronized Commencement Time and Display (Start) and Brandish (End) fields blank in the Advanced Options for Embedded Video. The synced Television set function automatically moves the time punch frontwards or backward to ensure all participants are seeing the aforementioned part of a video and livestreams on Youtube exercise not take a time punch. YouTube already handles the video synchronization on their stop, which means you lot only demand to link the livestream as if you were embedding a regular video.

All I see is a black screen—what do I practice?

There are several reasons why you may see a blackness screen or black background. Here are some quick troubleshooting tricks yous tin can try to resolve your issue.

Reset Your Location

Occasionally there may exist an issue with your current position due to map edits or other situations. The quickest manner to resolve this is to try and respawn to a default spawn location in the Infinite. Select your name (the personal carte) in the toolbar, then select Respawn.

A View of the game room template, with a red outline around Riley's name in the Bottom Bar. A red line connects from the name to the expanded Bottom Bar menu, where Respawn is outlined in red. In the toolbar, select your proper noun, then select Respawn.

Attempt a Hard Refresh

A difficult refresh in your browser is unlike from a regular refresh in that it also clears the webpage's cache. Doing this will not log you out of Get together or forget your position in the space, and cached files for other sites will not be affected.

First, become to the Assemble infinite that'due south having the problem. Then utilise the post-obit fundamental combination to refresh the page:

  • Chrome or Firefox for Windows: Press Ctrl+F5. If that doesn't work, try Shift+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R.
  • Chrome or Firefox for Mac: Press Shift+Control+R.
  • Other Browsers:Try pressing the browser'due south refresh button while holding downwardly shift, or manually clear the website cache in the browser'due south settings.

Add a Groundwork

If you meet a blackness background, merely you lot can nevertheless see objects, the groundwork may have been accidentally deleted (or non saved, if you were using the Walls and Floors Painter tool in the Mapmaker). If you own the Infinite and you have a re-create of the background, you tin attempt uploading it once again.

Open up the Mapmaker. Click the hamburger menu in the height left corner. Click Background & Foreground, and so Upload a Groundwork.If yous used the Walls and Floors Painter tool (drew your own background), you will demand to recreate the background. When you are finished drawing or uploading your background, click Done in the Elevation Nav Carteof the Mapmaker, and and so click Save before reloading the Space.

A view of a blank map in the Mapmaker. The hamburger menu is outlined in red, and the menu is expanded. Background & Foreground is selected, and another expanded menu has Upload Background, Upload Foreground, Download Background, and Download Foreground. Open the Mapmaker. To draw or upload a new groundwork, select the hamburger menu, so select Background & Foreground, and then select Upload Groundwork.

Check If Y'all Are Banned

If your entire screen is black and you practise non see any objects, there is a high possibility that you were banned from the Space. Bans are done past IP address. This ways if you tested the ban office on yourself or a member of your household, y'all may accept banned yourself from your Space. For more data and available options moving forward, please see our page on Block, Kick, & Ban.

Clear Your Cache

Occasionally there may exist issues with stored cookies or other information in your browser'southward cache. Endeavour clearing your browser's enshroud to help resolve these issues.

Gather Lost Connection

If you see a "Gather lost connection" mistake message, it's possible you lot've lost connection to Gather'due south servers. You lot may still be connected to our video servers and be able to see and hear others, but movement and object interaction mayhap affected.

Attempt refreshing the page or switching browsers (Chrome or Firefox work best). If y'all are on a VPN, effort disconnecting from the VPN or whitelisting Gather (see our VPN & Firewall Access article for more info).

If these steps do not resolve the issue, please transport send u.s. a problems report by selecting the chief card (Gather grapes icon), and then choosing Written report an Issue.


Source: https://support.gather.town/help/av-troubleshooting

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